good-lace's Diaryland Diary


2003 Resolution

Man, I don't feel like writing here, and goodness knows, I don't have anything interesting to say, so I'll just jot down some notes to myself about my new year's resolutions.

The official holiday weight gain is 3 lbs. Add that to the other 20 lbs. marital bliss added to me, in addition to the other 10 lbs. I wanted to lose before I got married, and I'd say my fat ass had better get in gear like really fast. I've designated Monday, January 6th as the day I get serious about these added pounds. No, seriously, I am.

My dear husband says he'll do everything he can to help me out, and I know he will. He's like the stick man - 6'3", 165 lbs., and one of those damned people who can eat anything he wants, anytime he wants, and not gain a freakin pound. I'm like 5'1" and #%$%# lbs. You didn't think I'd say, did you? Shithead.

It really helps that he constantly tells me I'm beautiful, and that he likes me just the way I am (and I digress into a puddle of mush), but that he wants me satisfied ... whatever that is ... and so he'll help me lose this weight, but in the meantime...

Last night we went out to eat at a little Italian pizza place. We shared fried mozzarella cheese for an appetizer, then we shared a spinach, mushroom and feta cheese sandwich, and also a small pizza with everything on it. Damn that was good. (You know what pisses me off? I ate 2 pieces of the fried cheese, he ate 6; I ate my half of the sandwich, so did he; I ate one piece of the pizza, he ate the rest. I was totally stuffed, he was satisfied. Yet, I'm the one with the fat ass. It's not fair.) *pouting* Then, at his suggestion, we stopped and got coffee and donuts for mid-night munching - which we stayed too full to do - thank goodness.

We came home and played the Sims until about 2:00 am, or until both of us were ready to blow up the PlayStation, then we slept.

Today, we woke up, ate those aforementioned donuts for breakfast, prepared and ate meatballs and speghetti for dinner, and played the freakin Sims until he had to leave for work at 6 pm.

For now, we'll eat all the pizza, chocolate, donuts and whatever else we want, but come January 5th, all that shit is gone in the garbage, I swear.

7:16 p.m. - 2002-12-29


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